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The most famous Appreciative Inquiry process is the 5D process so called because its 5 phases start (in its English version) with a D. There are many other processes and once you have understood the principles well, you can create others.
In the 5D process, the principles are fully operational. It is important to understand the meaning of the process so that it is powerful and that it can be 

The 5D Process

Initially in 4 steps, the process was enriched by the initial step of Definition when the Clergy Leadership Institute of the US suggested this step to define and formalize the identification of an "affirmative subject"


Define a stimulating transformation topic for everyone

Before launching any process, you should ask yourself what you want to transform. The principles of Completeness, Positive and Poetic invites us to examine carefully what needs to be transformed and to do it with the greatest number of people. It is important that the subject of the Transformation is stimulating for everyone. Often in more conventional approaches, the transformation topic is worded in an uninviting way and has been determined by a small group of people. The Appreciative Inquiry invites you to do the FLIP of what is the challenge to be overcome. We have baptized this subject, the 4S subject of transformation: it is a Subject, Strategic (important), Stimulating for all. The article opposite explains in detail how the initiation of an individual or collective action begins.

Important element: the subject is key, it is important to spend the necessary time on it with as many people as possible representing the system to develop it. It is worded appreciably already indicating what is desired in terms of transformation.

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Search for resources in the past, present and future
in the stories of people in the organization

Once the subject of transformation has been decided, it is now necessary to collaboratively develop the platform for this transformation, that is to say the foundations of it. People will be invited to remember the best stories with regard to the theme of transformation. For example, the interview guide opposite is an example of a company that wanted to make its management team work to become a successful and engaging team.

Important element: the narrative becomes the basis of this phase. Everyone has at least one story regarding the topic of transformation. There are many ways to implement this phase within the organization (when the operation is collective). It is important that people can interview each other. This operation can also be done digitally and asynchronously.


Imagine the best of what the future can bring starting from the discovery phase.

Based on the positive experiences of the past, people begin to dream of possibilities for the future. By grounding the process in the realities of the discovery phase, they perceive their dreams as more accessible, as opposed to many traditional visualization exercises not grounded in an already experienced reality.

During the dream phase, people project themselves into what could be happening to the “best of their ability”. This phase generates a lot of creativity and can manifest itself in multiple forms (drawings, songs, sculptures, magazines, etc.). This dream can be formalized by proposals calling into question the status quo of the organization. Proposals that represent a challenge and that make you want to go.

Important element: people may hesitate from time to time about this phase. They think that people are not going to allow themselves to dream. While the word "dream" may be misplaced in some cultures, it is important to encourage people to project themselves into the future. To deprive yourself of this phase would be to deprive yourself of a real opportunity to transform! 

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Develop the implementation structure
in its main chapters

Based on the positive experiences of the past, people begin to dream of possibilities for the future. By grounding the process in the realities of the discovery phase, they perceive their dreams as more accessible, as opposed to many traditional visualization exercises not grounded in an already experienced reality.

During the dream phase, people project themselves into what could be happening to the “best of their ability”. This phase generates a lot of creativity and can manifest itself in multiple forms (drawings, songs, sculptures, magazines, etc.). This dream can be formalized by proposals calling into question the status quo of the organization. Proposals that represent a challenge and that make you want to go.

Important element: people may hesitate from time to time about this phase. They think that people are not going to allow themselves to dream. While the word "dream" may be misplaced in some cultures, it is important to encourage people to project themselves into the future. To deprive yourself of this phase would be to deprive yourself of a real opportunity to transform! 

Concretely build the implementation and make the movement sustainable


The intention at the heart of this step is to:

  • Create the conditions for immediate (Deliver & Deplo) or longer term (Destiny) actions

  • Collect the results of the intervention already carried out

  • Make the dream come true

  • Generate pragmatic energy

  • From "what to do" to "what we want to do"


Important element:

There are a few common pitfalls at this stage such as:

  • Focus on what to do rather than what we want to do

  • Evaluate what has not been done rather than what has been done

  • Over-valuing the short term over the long term

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