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Appreciative Inquiry Training

12th - 14th - 19th of October 2020


We invite you to introduce yourself to the group: either by answering the email or by sending a video by WhatsApp. Here are the questions : 

  • A few words about yourself: who are you? what do you do? what inspires you in general in life?

  • What attracted you to come and participate in this experiential Appreciative Inquiry training?

  • What is your intention for these three days, what would you like to find there? What is your best hope?



We invite you to introduce yourself to the group: either by answering the email or by sending a video by WhatsApp. Here are the questions : 

  • A few words about yourself: who are you? what do you do? what inspires you in general in life?

  • What attracted you to come and participate in this experiential Appreciative Inquiry training?

  • What is your intention for these three days, what would you like to find there? What is your best hope?



We invite to look at these two videos about talents

A - détecter vos talents/forces

We invite to look at these two videos about talents

B - détecter vos talents en excès

We invite to look at these two videos about talents

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Capture d’écran 2020-04-27 à 23.27.30.

These are all the links to the different sessions or your trainings

You have received a zoom link we will use for the entire training


This is the booklet we will use during the workshop

Capture d’écran 2020-05-05 à 14.50.29.
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